Friday, January 20, 2012

iPod Touch case

  • Crochet Hook: G6/4.00mm
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle/Tapestry Needle
  • Yarn: Worsted Medium 4 yarn of you color choice
CH = Chain
SC = Single Crochet
ST = Stitch
INC = Increase
DEC = Decrease
Chain 16 to begin
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of the next 15 chs, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 2-28: sc in 2nd sc, then sc in each of the next 15 chs, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 29: sc in 2nd sc in front loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 30: sc in 2nd sc in back loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 31: sc in 2nd sc in front loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 32: sc in 2nd sc in back loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 33-66: sc in 2nd sc, then sc in each of the next 15 chs, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 67: sc in 2nd sc in back loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 68: sc in 2nd sc in front loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 69: sc in 2nd sc in back loops only, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)
Row 70-77: sc in 2nd sc, then sc in each of the next 15 chs, ch1 (to turn) (16 sc)

This will complete the majority of the case. The next thing to do is to sc around all of the edges to make them look nice and even. I didn't really count them so, there really isn't a set number, just make it look nice. After the edges are done, I did a slip stitch and left a tail long enough that I could sew both of the edges up. I used a yarn needle to do this. I sewed the inside loops together on each side. When I got to the bottom of the case, I weaved in the yarn to get to the other side and repeated the same thing up to the top again. Finish off. And whala! You're done!

If you have an questions, just leave a comment and I'll try and help!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!

Spongebob here was the first pattern I have ever wrote down on paper. There are a few parts that came out too big, and I will make note of them so you can try to avoid the issues I had. You can't tell them too much, and when I sewed all of the pieces together, it was pretty much an easy fix and couldn't tell what the mistakes were. He is much bigger then the normal amigurumi, so I wouldn't consider him to be one, but for a child, this would be great because he is such a good size.

  • Crochet Hook: Size G6/4.00mm
  • Scissors
  • Yarn Needle/Tapestry Needle
  • 6mm black safety eyes
  • Yarn: Worsted medium 4 yarn in the colors of:
    -Bright Blue
  • Poly-fil: Polyester Fiber Fill stuffing

CH = Chain
SC = Single Crochet
ST = Stitch
INC = Increase
DEC = Decrease

Using bright yellow, chain 32 to begin.
Row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 30 chs, ch 2 (to turn). (32 sc)
Row 2-45: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2 (to turn). (32 sc)
Row 46: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc in the front row only (32 sc)
Row 47-60: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2 (to turn). (32 sc)
Row 61: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc in the front row only (32 sc)
Row 62-106: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2 (to turn). (32 sc)
Row 107: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc in the front row only (32 sc)
Row 108-121: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2 (to turn). (32 sc)
Sew each end together. This forms the main box of the Bob.

Body Ends
Using bright yellow, make 2.
Chain 17 to begin.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of the next 15 chs, ch2 (to turn)(17 sc)
Row 2-45: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2 (to turn). (17 sc)

Sew one end to one side of the box previously made.

Using white, make 2.
Round 1: sc 6 in ring
Rnd 2: [*2 sc in each sc] repeat from * around (12 sc)
Rnd 3: [*2 sc in each sc] repeat from * around (24 sc)
Rnd 4: [*2 sc in first sc, sc in next sc] repeat from * around (72 sc)

Using bright blue, make 2.
Sc 4 in ring

Assemble the pupils to the eyes by using the safety eyes. Position them on the partial box the way you think fit for your Sponge by using the safety eyes. Then apply the backs to the eyes and sew down the eyes to the partial box. Stuff Spongebob to where you see fit, and then sew on the other end of the Bob box.

Now onto the pants! The making of the pants is very similar to making the body.
Start with white, chain 33.
Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of the next 31 chs, ch2 (to turn)(33 sc)
Row 2-6: Sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2 (to turn). (33 sc)
Switch to brown: (If you don't know how to switch colors, this site is great: Plant June color change. She does a great job at all kinds of tutorials so check out the other things she has to offer too!)
Row 7-14: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across,then ch 2(to turn).(33 sc)
Row 15: In back loops only, sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across,then ch 2(to turn).(33 sc)
Row 16-30: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2(to turn). (33 sc)
Row 31: In back loops only, sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across,then ch 2(to turn).(33 sc)
Row 32-38: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2(to turn). (33 sc)
Switch to white:
Row 39-44: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2(to turn). (33 sc)

Pants Ends
Starting with brown, make 2:
Chain 17.
Row 1-7: sc in 2nd sc from hook, then ea sc across, then ch 2(to turn). (17 sc)
Switch to white:
Row 8-13: sc in 2nd sc, then ea sc across, then ch 2(to turn). (17 sc)

Attach the pant ends to the main part of the pants by sewing them together. Then fit the pants to the body and sew them on the body as well.

Using Bright yellow:
Round 1: In a circle, sc 4(4 sc)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around (8 sc)
Rnd 3: sc in each sc around (8 sc)
Rnd 4: [*1 sc in one sc, 2 sc in next] repeat from * around (24 sc)
Rnd 5-6: sc in each sc around (24 sc)
Begin stuffing nose, and stuff as you go.
Rnd 7-11: 1 dec [*1 sc in each] repeat from * around
Round 12-14: sc in each sc around (20 sc) (this number may not be accurate, sorry!)
Sew the nose on Bobs face right between his eyes, where you think it may fit best on his face.

The stitch count at the end of the rounds may not be correct, sorry!
Make 2, start with bright yellow:
Round 1: In a circle, sc 10 (10 sc)
Rnd 2: [*sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc] repeat from * around (30 sc)
Rnd 3-6: sc in each sc around (30sc)
Rnd 7-9: sc in 3, dec three times, sc in remaining
Rnd 10-24: sc in each sc
Switch to white, and stuff arms:
Rnd 25: sc in 3 sc, 3 sc in front in the next 5 sc, then sc 3
Rnd 26: sc in each sc
Rnd 27: dec 2 sc in 2 sc, 5 sc in each sc, dec 2 sc in 2 sc
Rnd 28: dec 2 sc in each sc of the round

Attach to the body right above the top of the pants, where you think it fits best at.

Make 2, using black:
Round 1: In a circle, sc 10 (10 sc)
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each (20 sc)
Rnd 3: [*sc in next 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc]repeat from * around
Rnd 4-13: sc in each sc
Begin stuffing shoes
Rnd 14: dec over next 2 sc around
Rnd 15: dec over next 2 sc

Make 2, start with yellow.
Round 1: Ch 12 and attach to start of chain.
Rnd 2-12: Sc in each sc
Switch to white:
Rnd 13-15: sc in each sc
Switch to blue:
Rnd 16: sc in each sc
Switch to white:
Rnd 17: sc in each sc
Switch to red:
Rnd 18: sc in each sc
Switch to white:
Rnd 19-23: sc in each sc
Stuff legs and then attach to the shoes.

Pant Legs
Make 2, with brown:
Round 1: Ch 30 and attach to the other end
Rnd 2-5: sc in each sc

Put the pant legs over the leg and attach the leg to the body, and then attach the pant leg to the body after the leg is secured.

And you are almost done! The last things left to do is to make his teeth, and add details.

Make 2, with white.
Chain 6 to begin
Row 1-4: Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of the next 4 chs, ch2 (to turn)(6 sc)

I used black yarn to make the mouth and created a smile with it, and aligned the teeth where it was best fit. Then add the eye brows to the top of his eyes. And there, you are finished!

Nine Inch Nails hat

Winter had finally arrived, and being the huge Nine Inch Nails fan that I am, I didn't have a hat to wear during the winter that sported them at all. Some how, I stumbled upon a great pattern to make my own Nine Inch Nails beanie. April Draven Crochet I had started it, and this was the first project I had done that needed to use any kind of gauge. Well, from this I have learned that I crochet super tightly and my gauge was nothing where it needed to be. So I started over with a bigger hook, and ended up adding more rounds then what was said to use in the pattern. But I learned many new skills in this project, including crocheting an image into a project and a little more of an idea of how to work with gauge. Here is my finished product:

Angry Bird! :)

It took me forever to find a good pattern for this little guy. They have removed this creators pattern from the internet for copyright reasons I believe, but I managed to dig up the PDF some how or another, but I still will give the creators website. ItsyBitsy Spider Crochet.

Panda Bear

I made this Panda for my sister. She had lost a friend named Amanda, and they called her Panda, so her request for me was a Panda bear. I found a wonderful pattern online, Angies Art Studio-Panda Bear. Here is my finished product:

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sailor Moon

I looked all over the web for a decent Sailor Moon pattern. I found some that cost money, and I'm too much of a cheap ass to buy one. So I found how to make a doll, using pieces of the Doll Making Pattern by Beth Webber, and I used a pattern on how to make hair from the websiteAbbyGurumi I made the legs, head, and arms based on her patterns, and the rest I did on my own. Unfortunately, I didn't write the pattern down to share with anyone. Eventually, I want to make all of the Scouts, so I will get one eventually.
And now, Sailor Moons Development:

Tyler's Bombomb

The more I crochet, the more the requests pore in from people. My friend Tyler wanted a Bombom from Super Mario Brothers. He was fairly simple to make. I would also like to give credit to Wolfdreamer again: Bombomb Pattern

Here is my final product:

Robs Minion

The bread guy at work asked for a Minion from Despicable Me because he is in total love with them! So I cranked this guy out pretty quickly. Here is the creator of the pattern that I want to give credit to: Minion Pattern

Progress Images:

And this was the final result:

Arm Covers

My mom had requested that I make some arm covers for her new couches since they didn't come with them. Unfortunately, I did not write out a pattern for this one. I used a book that had many different stitches in it and had her choose what one she like and went from there, measuring the couch arm of course, and then fixing things that I did wrong on the first one in the ones following. This was the first project that I did without a pattern and that took me forever to do!
These are the progress pictures I took as I made them.

And the following is the finished product:

Dawn's Gir: Second Gir

This was the second Gir that I created for a friends ex-wife when they were together.
Here is a link to the pattern that I used and I can't thank the writer enough!Gir Pattern